Sunday Hymns

-Epiphany I-

Note: The setting is Willan

501 - Prelude Christe, der du bist der helle Tag Bach

502 - Pro 153 Christ, whose glory fills the skies

503 - Kyrie

504 - Sequence 249 Thy Gospel Jesus

505 - Sequence 249 Thy Gospel Jesus (short for after)

506 - Ser 48 Earth has many a noble city

507 - 51 Ant We Three Kings

508 - Doxology

509 - Sanctus

510 - 712 Agnus Die

511 - Com 1992 Now my tongue

512 - Gloria

513 - Rec 53 Songs of thankfulness and praise

514 - Postlude Wie schän leuchtet der Morgenstern Bach